Hearts betrayal 💔

While moon goes down, the stars wane,

Sun raises, spreading warmth again,

Witnesses, the adolescent lovelorn,

Perhaps, changed overtime forlorn,

Alliance imploding, horrifyingly macabre!

Gruesome words,ripping the honour !

Squeezing, every iota of love to falter!

Searing the flesh, scathing, melting armour!

Spoken to invoke, retching, irrevocable!

Uttered with vehemence, break hearts inevitable!

Startlingly sudden, our love lost in abyss!

Exploding moon, lighting every crevice !

Strained, strands of affection pirouetting!

Difficult to latch on, splattering tears gyrating!

Lacerating ,my ebbing heart bleeds,

Strangulates, my veins pale ‘n buried,

An expunged heart, tale of betrayal !

Accursed body, mind,spirit and soul !

Dedicated to my beloved daughter

Picture curtesy Pinterest

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