Eyes might wander, but never tread yonder,

While marching ahead, keep mind clear,

Mind might drift, but men should pause,

Past doesn’t matter, feel no remorse,

Passed visions, dissolves in dreams,

Whatever said, absolved in breeze!

Trust what you believe, then preach, 

Good deeds, proliferate peace,

Truth and honour, always triumph!

Ethics of mankind, unified is enough,

Honesty is born out of passion,

Pinnacle of fame, attained by compassion!

Bliss and distress, are vicious circle,

Praise or profanity, is God’s will,   

Desire, anger, thievery, is impertinent!

Attributes to, selfish and belligerent!

Empathy, sympathy, mercy is godliness,

Just believe in God and be glorious!!

105 thoughts on “ELIXIR OF LIFE

  1. I really enjoyed your poem. You are right the mind might drift, but you steps must be calculated. Compassion is the pinnacle! and Mercy is godliness… Very good.

    Liked by 11 people

  2. A river of flowing words has sent me on a journey long ago—Graphics memories, off to sleep. You did that to me constantly, Sir. No wonder I forget to write 📝 I am addicted to reading .😁😁

    Liked by 15 people

    1. That’s a wonderful comment I have ever received in my poetic career ! I’am overwhelmed by your kind words and thank you so much 😊 you made my day 👍🤝

      Liked by 5 people

  3. Past doesn’t matter, feel no remorse,
    Passed visions, dissolves in dreams,
    Whatever said, absolved in breeze!

    I feel ambivalent about these lines… true, we shouldn’t live in the past… but surely we must learn from it, rather than regard it as something that “doesn’t matter”…?

    Liked by 11 people

  4. Awesome. Feel free to guest post on diosraw.com by going to this blog’s connect page to find my email. 🌹🙏

    Liked by 6 people

    1. Quite soon Sudarshan ! Thank you for your kind reminder ! Of all my followers you are the only one who miss me ! I’am humbled 🤝🙏


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