The celestial rays, shears the dark,

An young mother, treading softly ask,The journey; is it strenuously long?The path is hard but happy 'n lifelong,Thy grow old, before reaching the end,Refreshingly though, beginning will blend,

And the mom, with her three kids,Jumped with joy, played 'n kissed, In the meadows lush, with green Banks, of the sizzling stream,Fascinating fragrance, of daffodils, Auburn locks caressing, delighted frills !

By nightfall, storm was brewing, Darkness engulfed, with streaks of lightning,Shrieking winds, ghostly shadows cast, Mother cried, children calm, steadfast, Were bold near their mother, Bonding stronger, they felt together!

At dawn, they came across a hillock, The climbing was a tough task, Little more persistence and effort, Will get you there, peace 'n comfort;So the children toiled, the top reached,In mom their faith, never breached !

The children weary, on turf they lie, Their mother's, watchful mortal eye, 'twas night, she gazed the stars, Said, my children learned to bare, The cataclysmic times, sparked credence, Comprehensive skills and acquired prudence!

Ensuing day, communal clouds divide, War, hate, wickedness, deceit,Midst the children stumbled, awed, Mother said, look above see the God, Children gazed, beyond the cloud,A ray of light, enlightening abound !

The mother felt happy, her children Learnt, everything essential was given Older and yonder, passing years, Mother shriveled and adverse, But children, grew strong 'n courageous,Lifted her, in their arms so precious !

The mother said, my journey end, True to the words, the God's amend,She walked the gates of heaven,Aware her children learnt their lesson,Escort their children, thereafter, Still could hear, their mother's whisper!!

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